Other covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Membership/Class Dues
As of April 2020 Tuition, all memberships have been put on hold due to the closure mandated by the shelter-in-place order. Tuition will resume when our facility re-opens and your gymnast is able to attend his/her designated class. For summer camp/class information and pricing click here.

What will MBAG's cleaning procedures be upon reopening?
Our staff is busy working on new cleaning standards. MBAG has always made cleanliness a priority, however we understand additional cleaning procedures may be necessary. After the completion of each session or class all mats or equipment used will be sanitized or disinfected with USAG recommended cleaning supplies and UV lights. At the end of the day a final (complete) disinfection of frequently used areas will be completed by staff. For detailed information please refer to MBAG's Handbook on policies and procedures in regards to COVID-19.

What will gymnast drop off/pick up look like?
Drop off and Pick up must be done outside our facility. Upon arrival, we want each gymnast to wait on designated numerical chalk circles (measured 6 feet apart) marked on sidewalk. As one gymnast (#1) enters the facility the next gymnast member (#2) moves up to #1 marker and waits for the Greeter/symptoms checker (designated staff member) to ask them to step up to door for a symptoms check.

Will I be able to stay and watch my gymnast? What will the viewing policy be?
Unfortunately spectators will not be allowed at this time. We are doing our best at limiting the number of people in the gym at any given time in order to abide by CDC guidelines and recommendations on social distancing. Viewing at this time will be offered virtually upon request. 

Will there symptom checks for COVID-19 prior to entering the gym?
On Gymnasts’ arrival he/she will wait on numerical chalk circles outside the building until an MBAG staff member conducting symptom checks at the entrance invites gymnast to complete his/her symptoms check, including the taking of his/her temperature. In order to participate in classes/camps/parties, Gymnasts must be non- symptomatic and may not have a fever (fever will be considered 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and above). 

If a gymnasts/coach is symptomatic or has a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, what steps will be taken?
MBAG will assume a fever is a temperature reading exceeding 100.4 degrees. In the case where a gymnast’s temperature reading exceeds 100.4 degrees, the gymnast will be escorted to a holding area to retake and confirm temperature. If he/she fails to pass the temperature reading or symptoms check, he/she will not be able to participate in any activity held at MBAG and will be asked to go home and may not be able to return for 2 weeks.  Temperature readings can be higher caused by exposure to heat or sun (if waiting in a hot car or outside) allowing gymnasts a small waiting period typically allows their bodies to reset or regulate back to their normal temperature.

What should my gymnast bring to class?
Please have your gymnast arrive with his/her gym attire on and hair tied back prior to arrival.  They must have their own gym bag/backpack, hand sanitizer, water bottle and mask (upon entry).  Try to have your gymnast use the bathroom prior to their arrival, as we are taking extra precautions limiting the use of the facility’s bathrooms (to avoid the spread of any additional germs, bacteria, and/or viruses) at this point in time.

How will summer camp/classes look?
Following completion of symptoms check gymnasts will follow designated pathways to his/her specific social distancing spot on the main gymnastics floor along with their backpack/bag.  When he/she has reached this spot, he/she can remove his/her mask and put all of their belongings in their backpack/bag.  

Coaches will let gymnasts know when, where, and how gymnastics rotations will be completed, when to wash/sanitize hands, and when and how to prepare for pickup after the completion of their class/camp/activity.

Example of gymnastics stations/rotations will be available upon request.  Layout of stations will show more than 6 feet of separation (providing adequate social distancing), routes to how they will rotate to their next station (to avoid coming into contact with another gymnast or coach). 

At the end of workout gymnasts will be asked to gather all belongings and wait at their original designated social distancing markers and wait for a coach to release them to their parents who are waiting outside.  Coaches will walk them out to vehicle to ensure a safe route to their vehicle or form of transportation.

How many gymnast will be permitted per summer camp/class?
NO more than 12 gymnasts in our facility at any given time. This number may be adjusted in accordance to our State and/or local orders dependent on CDC guidelines with/without notice. We will do our best to keep our families updated on each new policy change.

Will my child be required to wear a mask during class?
Although not REQUIRED, we are taking the extra precaution of ASKING all gymnasts and staff to wear a mask until he/she completes a symptoms check and gets to his/her designated spot on the main gymnastics floor. During the duration of the gymnast's class, the gymnast will not be required to wear a mask. We recommend the gymnasts to reapply face mask upon completion of his/her class while exiting our facility.

Will coaches be wearing a mask?
Our coaches will be asked to wear a mask prior to entering/exiting our facility, and when within six feet when necessary of any gymnasts or other staff. This includes, but not limited to, spotting and conducting symptom checks. 

 April 6, 2021 Update/Clarification

*All coaches/Staff have been fully vacinated.
With Covid cases dropping and the number of bodies we have in our 15,000 sq. ft. facility (at any given time) we have made a few accommodations to our mask requirements for coaches and staff.

At this time MBA Gymnastics Staff are required to wear masks on entry, and during our daily health screen.  *Due to the size of our facility (and ability to maintain social distancing during the majority of classes and camps, our coaches are able to lead or give instructions without their masks (when social distancing is able to be maintained) in order to clearly articulate drills, safety rules, etc.  Staff is also able to remove masks to catch their breath when needed (and social distancing is able to be maintained).  While spotting coaches will be required to wear masks.

*(Coaches are able to continuously wear masks throughout shift) 

We understand some families may not feel comfortable with our mask policies, but we at MBAG are here for you. Schedule your gymnast(s) a private lessons with an available coach who will keep their mask on throughout the duration of your scheduled private lesson.

**Gymnasts are able to opt out from skills/and or activities being spotted or needing spotting at any point in time.  Please let office/or coaches know if this applies to your gymnast(s)

Will coaches be doing hands-on spotting?
Spotting at this time is very limited. Spotting will only be done when deemed necessary (to physically assist the gymnast through safely completing a skill, reducing the risk of injury, or to ensure proper technique or body positioning). A coach who is spotting any gymnast must wear a mask in order to limit transmissions. 

How long will these new policies and procedures be implemented?
Everything about the disease, its spread, governmental guidelines, social responses, the needs of our families, and the financial environment have been in constant flux.  Our plans and procedures for how we address all of these things must be adaptable, purposeful, based in science, according to the regulations put forth by state and federal governments, and effective.  In order to be all of those things we cannot be afraid to constantly evaluate our policies and procedures, seek out new and sound information and adjust our responses accordingly.  MBAG will alter any and all of this handbook as needed to fulfill these goals.

How can I help?
You can help share/remind your gymnast of the policies and procedures MBAG will be enforcing to ensure we are maintaining a safe environment for all of our gymnasts, coaches, and families.

Please have your gymnast arrive with his/her gym attire on and hair tied back prior to arrival. They must have their own gym bag/backpack, hand sanitizer, water bottle and mask (upon entry).  Try to have your gymnast use the bathroom prior to their arrival, as we are taking extra precautions limiting the use of the facility’s bathrooms (to avoid the spread of any additional germs, bacteria, and/or viruses) at this point in time.

Please have proper documents signed and returned prior to participation. Unsigned documents will keep gymnast from participating in any and all activities held at MBAG until they are completed.

We Are In This Together!

While we cannot both be open to the public and also prevent 100% of all germs from spreading, we are proud and confident in the policies and procedures we have put in place that meet or exceed all government recommendations and guidelines.  For these precautions to be as effective as possible, it will require the support and participation of the entire MBAG family.  We are in this together, and we're better for it.  

Thank you for your cooperation at this time and continued support of MBAG! We will keep you updated on any changes in the coming weeks/months. 

 -MBAG Staff

Please keep in mind, our office hours are very limited. For any additional questions and a faster response please email us at mbacademyofgymnastics@gmail.com

Want to See More Photos of What Camps and classes look like @ Monterey Bay Academy of Gymnastics

*****All Coaches are NOW Fully Vaccinated!!!*****

Phone: (831)373-1694     Email: mbacademyofgymnastics@gmail.com     1663 Catalina Street Sand City CA 93955    2023-24 Calendar